In most parts of the country, the winter months are really tough on skin and hair - not just for humans, but for pets, as well. A lot of people are surprised that we at Aussie Pet Mobile groom this time of year. You should know that grooming right now is a good idea to keep your pet healthy and comfortable.
Contrary to popular opinion, your pet actually needs regular shampooing during the winter months to keep his skin and coat healthy. In fact, done properly, a bath can help to reduce dryness, matting and related skin problems. After the shampoo, a treatment of our aloe re-moisturizer is a great idea.
If your pet is a breed that requires regular trimming, it's important to maintain his haircut schedule year round. Allowing his hair to "grow in for the winter" can result in increased matting, which is a major cause of skin problems. If you decide to leave his coat longer for the winter, be prepared to brush him daily to prevent matting. If you're concerned about your pet being cold when he's outdoors, a sweater or fleece coat is a better option than leaving his coat long.
With the furnace on and the house closed up, low humidity indoors can make your pet's skin dry and itchy. Regular brushing stimulates the natural oils in the skin and helps to counteract dryness and keep your pet more comfortable. Also, regular brushing will prevent matting, a major cause of skin problems during winter.
Salt used for de-icing roads and sidewalks can cause your dog's pads to become cracked and sore. If your pet won't wear booties, be sure to wash toes and pads with warm water after walks to remove any salt residue. Dry them thoroughly, and apply a protective product like Protect-A-Pad (similar to Chapstick, for paws).
Also, keep the hair on your pet's feet trimmed. Long hair can form uncomfortable mats between and under the toes and can cause snow and ice to become packed in the pads of the feet, causing irritation. Your groomer will trim the feet as part of your pet's regular groom.
Don't neglect your pet's grooming just because it's cold outside. Our mobile grooming vans have heated water and are specially designed for all-weather grooming.
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