Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Happy Way to Get Fit

I saw a great little article in last weekend's Parade magazine about a happy way to get fit. This time of year we hear a lot about getting fit and losing weight, since weight loss is a very popular New Year's resolution. And after the holiday's, who can't afford to lose a little weight? Even the dog probably needs some help, and that's the great news about the article. It's called "A Happy Way to Get Fit" and it concerns a study done in Great Britain that surveyed 5000 people and found that those with dogs exercised up to six hours more a week than those who worked out at a gym or on their own. It goes on to say that according to the study the average dog owner walks his pet for less than 30 minutes twice daily and longer a few times a week. Those short walks add up to more than eight hours of physical activity a week, a lot more than the average gym-goer.

Researches also found that the difference in these groups is based on enjoyment. It's just more fun walking with your dog! Most people said they walk the dog even when pressed for time, while those going to the gym are more apt to skip the workout when they're busy. So get yourself and your dog fit and go for a walk.

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