Spaying and neutering your pet is an important decision for all pet owners. Unfortunately, there are too many homeless animals all over the country, many ending up in shelters. The Humane Society of the United States estimates about 7 million homeless animals end up in shelters every year. Half of these animals are adopted, but the other half are euthanized. Many of the pets that never get adopted would have been loving companions if they only had a chance.
As a pet owner, you should know that the only reason not to spay or neuter is if you intend to be a responsible, knowledgable breeder. Otherwise, the pet is much better off being spayed or neutered, from both a health standpoint and for your own piece of mind. It's not true that females need a litter before being spayed, or that males will somehow be less of a dog if they are neutered. It will not make them less protective or fat and lazy. This procedure is safe, inexpensive, and the right thing to do. It's an easy way to save lives.
For more information, go to the Humane Society of the US at www.humanesociety.org
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