Besides the holiday’s, the other big event this month is the official start of winter. The colder weather means a lot of changes for us, and it means change for our dogs as well. Less daylight this time of year brings on more shedding, especially in northern breeds like huskies. For most of us, more shedding during the holidays is not a welcome gift. If your dog is shedding, take a look at our blog entry on shedding, posted in July. Also, if you haven’t already done so, make sure to get your appointment scheduled with your groomer. The groomer’s schedule fills up quickly this time of year.
Another unwelcome change for your dog this winter may be a bigger appetite. Wild animals need to put on extra fat for the winter, and your dog may be more hungry than usual. With all the extra cooking and baking this time of year, it’s a good idea to watch the treats and make sure your dog doesn’t get too many snacks. If you do treat your dog to an extra goodie, make sure it is safe for them. Remember, chocolate is toxic to dogs. Speaking of toxic, some other winter dangers include poinsettias, which should be kept away from pets, and halite, the chemical salt used to melt ice on sidewalks. Wipe your dogs feet with a damp cloth if you walk on treated pavement.
Have a wonderful holiday season and a safe and fun winter!
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