We all want a safe and happy Halloween so we need to remember that it can be a stressful time for our pets, especially with a ringing doorbell and lots of strange looking kids coming to the door! If your dog or cat is especially shy or skittish, you may want to confine them to another room during the trick or treating hours.
Also, we all probably know that chocolate is toxic to our pets, so keep the candy bars out of reach. In addition to chocolate, most human candy is not good for our pets, either due to the choking hazard, salt content, or toxic ingredients. And if we are having a more adult friendly party, remember that alcohol and dogs do not mix. If it is too difficult to keep the pets out of the drinks and treats, you may want to remove them from the room entirely (the pets, not the treats!). If you want to give your pets snacks, remember to go easy on the dog biscuits, or give them carrots or apples instead.
The dogs in the picture are all ready for trick or treating. These are Debbie Tomasik's dogs Andy, Mattie, and Waylon. If we include the dog or cat in our costumed activities, remember that some pets can become scared or uncomfortable in clothing. Start off small and see how it goes. If your pet enjoys the attention and doesn’t mind the costume, that’s great. But remember to monitor your pet’s well-being, especially if your kids are taking part in the doggy or kitty dress-up. Remember not to block the pet’s vision with a costume or headgear. Make sure the costume doesn't restrict movement. If the dog goes trick or treating with the kids, keep it on a leash at all times. It’s safer for the dog and for other people in the neighborhood.
Make sure you do not keep your pet outside during this time, even those dogs accustomed to living outdoors. Dogs and cats that are outside unsupervised during Halloween can become scared, over-excited, or sadly, the victim of someone’s “trick.” It’s best to keep them inside where you can make sure they are safe.
Halloween is a fun time for the whole family. Some simple precautions can keep it safe as well.
Happy Halloween!
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